Bundle ! $12.00 Save $5.00 !

$7.00 Multi-licenses $6.30

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Files will be available for download from your account once payment is confirmed. Learn more.
Please contact the seller about any problems with your order using the question button below the description.

Item description

The Behavior Visual Supports- Unicorns bundle gives
you a variety of visual classroom behavior supports around the theme of Unicorns.
Included are Unicorns themed PBIS Positive Behavior Path, Point Sheet for Behavior,
and Token Board. You also get a FREE BONUS of Unicorns Break
Cards as well as an Unicorns Sticker/Star Chart to help encourage positive
behavior in your classroom.


resources are not intended to be used all at once. Instead, they are intended
to give you a choice of which supports will best meet your individual student’s
needs and grow with them as they mature.


Read on
for a description of each of the included products.

#1 Positive Behavior Path- Unicorns

do I need PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Unicorns?

Have you
been wondering how to encourage positive behavior in your students? The PBIS
Positive Behavior Path is a student behavior strategy that provides you with a
quick and easy way to positively reinforce appropriate behaviors in the
classroom. This tool is to be used to encourage behaviors that you want to see
more of, not to decrease inappropriate ones.

Positive Behavior Path allows students to start understanding the connection
between their behavioral choices and the positive classroom consequences of
doing the right thing, thus increasing the likelihood that they will continue
to display the positive behavior.


will PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Unicorns help my students?

Think of
students earning reinforcers like an adult earning a paycheck. As paychecks
encourage adults to go to work and do things that they wouldn’t engage in for
fun, the Positive Behavior Path encourages students to complete school-related
tasks that they would not choose to do for fun, and can be quite useful when
working with students who struggle with compliance and whose behavior does not
improve through the use of verbal praise alone.

*Hint- If a student has a very difficult time following directions or demonstrating
appropriate behaviors, it is recommended to start with a Path that allows for
more frequent reinforcement and then increase the expectation as they are able
to experience success.


for PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Unicorns

  1. Decide whether you want to
    reinforce the behavior every 3 times they display it, every 4 times, or if
    you want to start easier and stretch them a little bit each time.
  2. Choose the target positive
    behavior that the student is working on. This can be anything from raising
    a hand to completing a task, depending on the needs of the student.
  3. For one-time use: print and
    allow the student to color in or place a sticker each time they display
    the target behavior.
  4. For a reusable form: laminate
    the sheet and then use a dry-erase marker to color in as they earn.
  5. To use the forms for data
    collection or to track behavior goals, keep a running record of how many
    reinforcers they earn each day to measure progress over time.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Reinforcer

  • Consider how often the
    student will be earning the reinforcer when determining what they can earn
    at each Reinforcement space. If the student is coloring in a circle for
    each assignment completed, for example, a reinforcer of 5 minutes of iPad
    time would be appropriate. If you use it to track homework completion over
    a period of multiple days, a reinforcer of 15 minutes of iPad time might
    be appropriate. If, however, they are working on raising their hand, that
    reinforcer would take up more time than what you are asking them to do and
    they will spend all day on the iPad, so you would clearly want to choose
    something else.


  • For students who have a hard
    time delaying gratification, consider edible reinforcers like a couple of
    Skittles or Cheez-Its. For students who might like to save up, consider
    something like a coupon for 2 minutes of Ipad time for each reinforcer to
    be spent at midday or the end of the day.


  • Make sure your reinforcer is
    something your student finds worth working for. If they aren’t excited by
    it, they won’t work to earn it.


  • If you are working with a
    student who seems to frequently want to control situations, consider
    giving them a few different options of things that they may work for,
    giving them a small feeling of control that can aid in student compliance.


You May
Also Be Interested In…

  • I have a wide variety of PBIS
    Positive Behavior Paths. There is also a growing bundle available of all
    of my Positive Behavior Paths. See them all in my store here

  • If you feel that Token Boards
    might be more what you are looking for to encourage positive student
    behavior, please check out those I have in my store here. Note
    that the Editable Token Boards also come with Reinforcement Choice boards
    with over 85 movable images of positive reinforcers.


  • If you are looking for
    behavior data collection and graphing, please visit my store to see what I
    have to offer in this category.

Point Sheet for Behavior- Unicorns

product was designed for use with Point
Sheet for Behavior- Graphing
 to help you create quick and
professional-looking graphs, but can be used alone as well.


you need Point Sheet for Behavior- Unicorns

sheets are one example of a reinforcement system that can be used to help
encourage appropriate choices for students who exhibit challenging behaviors.
Students earn points throughout the day for displaying positive behaviors.
These points can be redeemed later for access to preferred items or activities.


point sheets to be effective, teachers need to explain the expectations clearly
and concisely. Students must know exactly what they need to do to earn the
points so that they learn to connect the consequences, positive or negative, to
their own choices. When the student displays the desired behavior, teachers
should reinforce the behavior by attending to it immediately and providing
specific praise in addition to the points earned.

Purchase Includes…

  • A PDF containing 3 different
    daily point sheets. Sheets are editable to include student name, positive
    target behavior, and student schedule (time of day, task, or activity)
  • 3 Keys to Effective

to use Point Sheet for Behavior- Unicorns

1. Type
your student’s schedule into the PDF or handwrite it in after printing. If you
want to reuse one point sheet, laminate before using.


2. In
the morning, discuss what their percentage goal for the day is.


3. Give
the student options of preferred items or activities they would like to have at
the end of the day if they make their goal (see 3 Keys to Effective


4. Leave
the form on the student’s desk as a visual reminder throughout the day (very


5. When
you have to prompt for the target behavior, draw a line through the 1, 2, or 3
under “# Prompts.” If all of the prompts have been given then the student
does not earn coloring in the corresponding image. They can try again during
the next subject on their schedule.

   a. DO NOT give more “chances” or allow a student to
color in the image if you have to give more prompts than the sheet allows or
they will not learn to limit their problem behaviors. Giving more chances will
teach students to try to get more chances when they make a poor choice, not to
modify their behavior.


6. When
the student appropriately demonstrates the target positive behavior during the
designated time frame with no more than 1-2 prompts (depending on which form
you are using), allow them to color in the corresponding image.

   a. If the student demonstrated the target behavior, allow them to
color in the image even if they demonstrated a different problem
behavior. This is very important.

   For example, if the student’s goal is assignment completion and
they finish their work, do not dock points or refuse to let them color in the
image because they called out in class. This not only undermines the
effectiveness of the point-sheet and self-monitoring or the target behavior,
but it also makes your point sheet data worthless.


7. The
student earns the predetermined reinforcer at the end of the day if they reach
their percentage goal.

Sheet for Behavior- Unicorns
 can be used for data collection if you
keep track of the percentage earned each day. These percentages can also be
graphed to track progress over time using the Point
Sheet for Behavior Graph
that can be found in my store. This graph allows
you to quickly and easily track what percentage the student earns alongside
their goal on the same graph. The resulting graph is professional-looking and
can be used to help track IEP goals and share information with the student,
families, and teams.


They can
also be used for daily communication home with parents (send home a copy or
text/email to families daily).

If you are interested in my other
Point Sheets for Behavior,
 you can find them in my store. There
are a variety of themes to choose from. Pick one that your student is
interested in to help with buy-in.



point sheets are effective for students who can delay gratification until the
end of the day. If your student needs more frequent reinforcement, consider
using my token boards or positive behavior path, both of which can be found in
my store.



Unicorns Token Board

Purchase of Unicorns Token Boards Includes…

  • 1 token board with space for
    image of positive target behavior
  • 1 token board without space
    for image of positive target behavior
  • over 85 Reinforcer/Reward
  • over 50 Positive Behavior
    Expectation/Goal images



  • 3 Keys to Effective
  • Choice Board Directions
  • Token Board Directions

Do Unicorns Token Boards Work?

laminate, and cut out boards, tokens, and images. Then use Velcro to attach the
desired images to the token and choice boards.


Boards are a fun and easy way to positively reinforce appropriate behaviors in
the classroom. Research tells us that behavior that is reinforced is more
likely to occur again. Token boards help us to target specific positive
behaviors to reinforce, thus increasing the likelihood that students will
continue to demonstrate them.

How Do Choice Boards Work?

boards are paired with Reinforcer Choice Boards. Adults and students work
together to choose which reinforcers are available to be placed on the board
(things that the student would be interested in working for), and then students
can pick what they want to work for each time they start to use the board.


*Hint: Offering
fewer reinforcement options at a time can be helpful for younger students or
students who have a hard time when presented with too many options.


On the
other hand, offering more reinforcer choices at a time in the form of larger
boards or changing the options available from day-to-day or week-to-week can
help with the students who tend to satiate on certain items (get tired of
working for the same thing repeatedly) or who need to feel a little extra
control. The structured choices available with a Choice Board can help to
alleviate some power struggles by giving students the control they desire in an
appropriate way.



I really reinforce a student for something they “should” be doing


Think of
students earning reinforcers like an adult earning a paycheck. As paychecks
encourage adults to go to work and do things that they wouldn’t engage in for
fun, token boards encourage students to complete school-related tasks that they
would not choose to do for fun, and they can be quite useful when working with
students who struggle with compliance and whose behavior does not improve
through the use of verbal praise alone.




Break Cards + Unicorns Sticker/Star Chart to help encourage positive behavior
in your classroom. 

Bundle ! $12.00 Save $5.00 !

$7.00 Multi-licenses $6.30

0 sold

This bundle includes...

Item Details

Digital Download


Files will be available for download from your account once payment is confirmed. Learn more.
Please contact the seller about any problems with your order using the question button below the description.

Item description

The Behavior Visual Supports- Thanksgiving bundle
gives you a variety of visual classroom behavior supports around the theme of Thanksgiving.
Included are Thanksgiving themed PBIS Positive Behavior Path, Point Sheet for
Behavior, and Token Board. You also get a FREE BONUS of Thanksgiving
Break Cards as well as an Thanksgiving Sticker/Star Chart to help encourage
positive behavior in your classroom.


resources are not intended to be used all at once. Instead, they are intended
to give you a choice of which supports will best meet your individual student’s
needs and grow with them as they mature.


Read on
for a description of each of the included products.

#1 Positive Behavior Path- Thanksgiving

do I need PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Thanksgiving?

Have you
been wondering how to encourage positive behavior in your students? The PBIS
Positive Behavior Path is a student behavior strategy that provides you with a
quick and easy way to positively reinforce appropriate behaviors in the
classroom. This tool is to be used to encourage behaviors that you want to see
more of, not to decrease inappropriate ones.

Positive Behavior Path allows students to start understanding the connection
between their behavioral choices and the positive classroom consequences of
doing the right thing, thus increasing the likelihood that they will continue
to display the positive behavior.


will PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Thanksgiving help my students?

Think of
students earning reinforcers like an adult earning a paycheck. As paychecks
encourage adults to go to work and do things that they wouldn’t engage in for
fun, the Positive Behavior Path encourages students to complete school-related
tasks that they would not choose to do for fun, and can be quite useful when
working with students who struggle with compliance and whose behavior does not
improve through the use of verbal praise alone.

*Hint- If a student has a very difficult time following directions or demonstrating
appropriate behaviors, it is recommended to start with a Path that allows for
more frequent reinforcement and then increase the expectation as they are able
to experience success.


for PBIS Positive Behavior Path- Thanksgiving

  1. Decide whether you want to
    reinforce the behavior every 3 times they display it, every 4 times, or if
    you want to start easier and stretch them a little bit each time.
  2. Choose the target positive
    behavior that the student is working on. This can be anything from raising
    a hand to completing a task, depending on the needs of the student.
  3. For one-time use: print and
    allow the student to color in or place a sticker each time they display
    the target behavior.
  4. For a reusable form: laminate
    the sheet and then use a dry-erase marker to color in as they earn.
  5. To use the forms for data
    collection or to track behavior goals, keep a running record of how many
    reinforcers they earn each day to measure progress over time.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Reinforcer

  • Consider how often the
    student will be earning the reinforcer when determining what they can earn
    at each Reinforcement space. If the student is coloring in a circle for
    each assignment completed, for example, a reinforcer of 5 minutes of iPad
    time would be appropriate. If you use it to track homework completion over
    a period of multiple days, a reinforcer of 15 minutes of iPad time might
    be appropriate. If, however, they are working on raising their hand, that
    reinforcer would take up more time than what you are asking them to do and
    they will spend all day on the iPad, so you would clearly want to choose
    something else.


  • For students who have a hard
    time delaying gratification, consider edible reinforcers like a couple of
    Skittles or Cheez-Its. For students who might like to save up, consider
    something like a coupon for 2 minutes of Ipad time for each reinforcer to
    be spent at midday or the end of the day.


  • Make sure your reinforcer is
    something your student finds worth working for. If they aren’t excited by
    it, they won’t work to earn it.


  • If you are working with a
    student who seems to frequently want to control situations, consider
    giving them a few different options of things that they may work for,
    giving them a small feeling of control that can aid in student compliance.


You May
Also Be Interested In…

  • I have a wide variety of PBIS
    Positive Behavior Paths. There is also a growing bundle available of all
    of my Positive Behavior Paths. See them all in my store here

  • If you feel that Token Boards
    might be more what you are looking for to encourage positive student
    behavior, please check out those I have in my store here. Note
    that the Editable Token Boards also come with Reinforcement Choice boards
    with over 85 movable images of positive reinforcers.


  • If you are looking for
    behavior data collection and graphing, please visit my store to see what I
    have to offer in this category.

Point Sheet for Behavior- Thanksgiving

product was designed for use with Point
Sheet for Behavior- Graphing
 to help you create quick and
professional-looking graphs, but can be used alone as well.


you need Point Sheet for Behavior- Thanksgiving

sheets are one example of a reinforcement system that can be used to help
encourage appropriate choices for students who exhibit challenging behaviors.
Students earn points throughout the day for displaying positive behaviors.
These points can be redeemed later for access to preferred items or activities.


point sheets to be effective, teachers need to explain the expectations clearly
and concisely. Students must know exactly what they need to do to earn the
points so that they learn to connect the consequences, positive or negative, to
their own choices. When the student displays the desired behavior, teachers
should reinforce the behavior by attending to it immediately and providing
specific praise in addition to the points earned.

Purchase Includes…

  • A PDF containing 3 different
    daily point sheets. Sheets are editable to include student name, positive
    target behavior, and student schedule (time of day, task, or activity)
  • 3 Keys to Effective

to use Point Sheet for Behavior- Thanksgiving

1. Type
your student’s schedule into the PDF or handwrite it in after printing. If you
want to reuse one point sheet, laminate before using.


2. In
the morning, discuss what their percentage goal for the day is.


3. Give
the student options of preferred items or activities they would like to have at
the end of the day if they make their goal (see 3 Keys to Effective


4. Leave
the form on the student’s desk as a visual reminder throughout the day (very


5. When
you have to prompt for the target behavior, draw a line through the 1, 2, or 3
under “# Prompts.” If all of the prompts have been given then the student
does not earn coloring in the corresponding image. They can try again during
the next subject on their schedule.

   a. DO NOT give more “chances” or allow a student to
color in the image if you have to give more prompts than the sheet allows or
they will not learn to limit their problem behaviors. Giving more chances will
teach students to try to get more chances when they make a poor choice, not to
modify their behavior.


6. When
the student appropriately demonstrates the target positive behavior during the
designated time frame with no more than 1-2 prompts (depending on which form
you are using), allow them to color in the corresponding image.

   a. If the student demonstrated the target behavior, allow them to
color in the image even if they demonstrated a different problem
behavior. This is very important.

   For example, if the student’s goal is assignment completion and
they finish their work, do not dock points or refuse to let them color in the
image because they called out in class. This not only undermines the
effectiveness of the point-sheet and self-monitoring or the target behavior,
but it also makes your point sheet data worthless.


7. The
student earns the predetermined reinforcer at the end of the day if they reach
their percentage goal.

Sheet for Behavior- Thanksgiving
 can be used for data collection if
you keep track of the percentage earned each day. These percentages can also be
graphed to track progress over time using the Point
Sheet for Behavior Graph
that can be found in my store. This graph allows
you to quickly and easily track what percentage the student earns alongside
their goal on the same graph. The resulting graph is professional-looking and
can be used to help track IEP goals and share information with the student,
families, and teams.


They can
also be used for daily communication home with parents (send home a copy or
text/email to families daily).

If you are interested in my other
Point Sheets for Behavior,
 you can find them in my store. There
are a variety of themes to choose from. Pick one that your student is
interested in to help with buy-in.



point sheets are effective for students who can delay gratification until the
end of the day. If your student needs more frequent reinforcement, consider
using my token boards or positive behavior path, both of which can be found in
my store.



Thanksgiving Token Board

Purchase of Thanksgiving Token Boards Includes…

  • 1 token board with space for
    image of positive target behavior
  • 1 token board without space
    for image of positive target behavior
  • over 85 Reinforcer/Reward
  • over 50 Positive Behavior
    Expectation/Goal images



  • 3 Keys to Effective
  • Choice Board Directions
  • Token Board Directions

Do Thanksgiving Token Boards Work?

laminate, and cut out boards, tokens, and images. Then use Velcro to attach the
desired images to the token and choice boards.


Boards are a fun and easy way to positively reinforce appropriate behaviors in
the classroom. Research tells us that behavior that is reinforced is more
likely to occur again. Token boards help us to target specific positive
behaviors to reinforce, thus increasing the likelihood that students will
continue to demonstrate them.

How Do Choice Boards Work?

boards are paired with Reinforcer Choice Boards. Adults and students work
together to choose which reinforcers are available to be placed on the board
(things that the student would be interested in working for), and then students
can pick what they want to work for each time they start to use the board.


*Hint: Offering
fewer reinforcement options at a time can be helpful for younger students or
students who have a hard time when presented with too many options.


On the
other hand, offering more reinforcer choices at a time in the form of larger
boards or changing the options available from day-to-day or week-to-week can
help with the students who tend to satiate on certain items (get tired of
working for the same thing repeatedly) or who need to feel a little extra
control. The structured choices available with a Choice Board can help to
alleviate some power struggles by giving students the control they desire in an
appropriate way.



I really reinforce a student for something they “should” be doing


Think of
students earning reinforcers like an adult earning a paycheck. As paychecks
encourage adults to go to work and do things that they wouldn’t engage in for
fun, token boards encourage students to complete school-related tasks that they
would not choose to do for fun, and they can be quite useful when working with
students who struggle with compliance and whose behavior does not improve
through the use of verbal praise alone.




Break Cards + Thanksgiving Sticker/Star Chart to help encourage positive
behavior in your classroom.